W4: Dear mom & dad…

Dear Mom & Dad,


            East or west, you guys are the best. Parenting is a really hard thing to do, and there is no specific formula or method that will guarantee success when it comes to parenting. However, both of you have put great efforts when it comes to raising me and this letter is just to remind you both that you guys are the best. There are three reasons why you are the best which are you have never neglected me, you have taught me to be good and you’ve always done what you think is the best for me.


            Firstly, you have never neglected me. This may sound like bare minimum, but there are so many missing children out there, as well as children who get lost in the malls or crowded areas. Both of you have protected me from the dangers of the outside world when I was kid and I have never experienced anything dangerous in my entire life. You have also never starved me whether it is food or affection. You are always giving me what I need, and you are always there to comfort me when I am sad. You also make time to spend time with me. 


            Next, you have taught me to be good. When I was a kid, you taught me that littering is bad—a fact that most of my friends were not aware of. You taught me that lying, stealing, and cheating is bad. You taught me that god is always watching and for every deed that I make, I will get it back whether it is good or bad. I am glad that you never taught me that, “Stealing is okay as long as it is not an iPhone,” like some immoral parents.


            Lastly, you have always done what is best for me. You have always fed me healthy food, brought me to the playgrounds unlike most parents these days who feed their children sausages and let them watch videos all day. Although, it may seem like you were controlling, it really is not. You have never forced me to become an engineer, you have never forced me to go to multiple tuitions in the name of, ‘doing what is best for me’. Instead, you supported all my good decisions and advised me against the bad ones, which gives me a sense of freedom and makes sure that I am not completely sabotaging my life.


            There were times where you have scolded me and made me angry. I may have said mean things to you in the past. I am sorry because I know that sometimes it was my fault and sometimes, you can’t be perfect all the time. However, I still think that you guys are the best parents ever, and I will never trade you for anything else.

Here are some virtual flowers for you.

Travel Sticker by Kew Gardens for iOS & Android | GIPHY | Scrapbook  stickers printable, Beautiful gif, Overlays transparent


With lots of love,


Your daughter


Flower Gif. (n.d.). ICEGIF. https://www.icegif.com/flower-13/


Name: Nisha A/P Vickneswaran

Student ID: 2100555
