W10: Dear lecturers...

 Dear lecturers,


            When I was still in school, many of my teachers always told me that when I go to university, the lecturers won’t care about my attendance and behaviour. They told me that the lecturers won’t teach anything, and they will only lecture about the topic very quickly. So, I’m surprised to see some lecturers who are always caring about the students, and not just reading the slide every class. Well, there are some lecturers who just read the slides, but they still give breaks so that the students can rest after listening to the audible.


            Firstly, thank you to all the lecturers who take their time to explain everything to the students so that they understand everything clearly. Every time my result comes out well, my lecturers have played a huge part in them, because without them, I could not have done it. Self-studying is hard, and when there is a lecturer to explain some complex theories using examples from real life, studying is a lot easier. 


            Next, I would like to reassure that not every mistake is the lecturers’ fault. If a student fails, that does not mean that the lecturer is the only one to blame. Maybe he failed because he was sleeping through every class, and since lectures are held online these days, it is hard for the lecturers to know who is paying attention and who is not. Some might argue that the student slept because the lecturers were boring. However, what is boring to some is interesting to others. Some find classical music boring while others find pop music boring. 


            On the other hand, just because the lecturers are not always the one to blame, it does not mean that there is no room for improvement. As I mentioned earlier, some lecturers just read the slides. When students enter a class like that, they do not feel the need to listen since they can read the same slides on their own later. However, this is only done by a minority of lecturers. When students complain about this issue, they usually only say a particular lecturer’s name and not all the lecturers in general.


              Lastly, I would like to apologise to all the lecturer’s whose lectures I have slept through, and all the last-minute work that I have submitted to the lecturers. The irony in this is that I am writing this blog 30 minutes before submission. Hopefully, I can change and make you proud, and hopefully, this is my last last-minute work. (highly doubt it)


Thank you for your hard work. You guys are doing great!


Here is a beautiful music for you to relax to.


With lots of love,

Your student




Rousseau. (2018, May 14). Debussy - Clair de Lune




Name: Nisha A/P Vickneswaran

Student ID: 2100555


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