W8: Dear abusers…

 Dear abusers,


            Why abuse? Does it bring you joy? If it really does not bring you any joy, then why do it? Do you have to abuse someone? Is it out of love that you hurt someone, so that they can become a better person? If you think that hitting someone will make them a better person, it is you who needs to become a better person. There are a few common justifications that abusers use to justify their actions; however, none of them are strong enough.


            Firstly, it is said that hitting someone is to discipline them. If a child does not complete their homework, they get beaten with a cane, so that the child completes their homework the next time in fear of getting hurt. However, is this method any effective? Does the child never forget his or her homework after that, or does the parent beat the child again with a cane for not completing their homework for the second or third time? They will only get immune to pain, and not change their lifestyle, or worse, they will only become liars who will hide their mistakes. Therefore, abusing children in the name of disciplining them is not only ineffective, but also just makes most of them dishonest in the future.


            Next, abusing is considered some sort of tradition among Asian families. It is common to see canes and broken hangers in Asian houses. “This is how my parents raised me, and this is how I should raise my children,” is what abusers say. However, did their parents abusing them ever stop these abusers from making any mistakes? It is good to retain some tradition like celebration, it is not necessary to retain the negative sides of our traditions like beating up poor children who are still learning and are bound to make mistakes.


            Lastly, many abusers do not realise that they are abusers. They think that they lightly hit someone out of anger. However, it can cause internal damage and trauma to others. Many abusers do not realise this. So, when someone asks them if they abuse their children, they deny it because they think that caning their children is not abuse at all and claim to love their children.


            In conclusion, there is no good reason to abuse anyone other than the sick satisfaction of the abusers. Anyone who abuses is a sadist. If the abusers, deny being a sadist and deny enjoying hitting their children or anyone else, why do it? There are many ways to discipline a child that does not involve hitting them. “Choke me like you hate me but you love me (Corpse Husband, 2020, 0:03),” should forever be only lyrics, and not applied in real life. If you love someone, you would never abuse them.



Your hater




Corpse Husband. (2020). E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE!. On E-GIRLS ARe


Sad girl vector illustration Free Vector. (n.d.). Vecteezy. Retrieved from



Name: Nisha A/P Vickneswaran

Student ID: 2100555


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