
Showing posts from July, 2022

W6: Dear god...

Dear God,               There are many times where I have questioned your existence. However, if Satan exists, then you exist, too, right? Although I keep doubting your existence, I still cannot bring myself to side with the atheists who deny your existence. No matter how many times I question your existence, you are the one whom I seek the most when I need assistance. Your help is what I need the most in times when I am in misery. There may be people who do not believe in you, but I am not among them. The more I question your existence, the surer I am that you are here with me. So here is a letter for you, letting you know that you do not have to come in front of me to make me believe that you are always right next to me.               You make me feel safe when I am afraid. When I am walking alone in the dark, it is you whom I pray to so that you will keep me safe from the evil lurking around me. When I feel scared of the tiny creatures crawling around, it is you whom first comes to

W4: Dear mom & dad…

Dear Mom & Dad,               East or west, you guys are the best. Parenting is a really hard thing to do, and there is no specific formula or method that will guarantee success when it comes to parenting. However, both of you have put great efforts when it comes to raising me and this letter is just to remind you both that you guys are the best. There are three reasons why you are the best which are you have never neglected me, you have taught me to be good and you’ve always done what you think is the best for me.               Firstly, you have never neglected me. This may sound like bare minimum, but there are so many missing children out there, as well as children who get lost in the malls or crowded areas. Both of you have protected me from the dangers of the outside world when I was kid and I have never experienced anything dangerous in my entire life. You have also never starved me whether it is food or affection. You are always giving me what I need, and you are always ther