
Showing posts from August, 2022

W10: Dear lecturers...

  Dear lecturers,               When I was still in school, many of my teachers always told me that when I go to university, the lecturers won’t care about my attendance and behaviour. They told me that the lecturers won’t teach anything, and they will only lecture about the topic very quickly. So, I’m surprised to see some lecturers who are always caring about the students, and not just reading the slide every class. Well, there are some lecturers who just read the slides, but they still give breaks so that the students can rest after listening to the audible.               Firstly, thank you to all the lecturers who take their time to explain everything to the students so that they understand everything clearly. Every time my result comes out well, my lecturers have played a huge part in them, because without them, I could not have done it. Self-studying is hard, and when there is a lecturer to explain some complex theories using examples from real life, studying is a lot easier.   

W8: Dear abusers…

  Dear abusers,               Why abuse? Does it bring you joy? If it really does not bring you any joy, then why do it? Do you  have  to abuse someone? Is it out of love that you hurt someone, so that  they  can become a better person? If you think that hitting someone will make them a better person, it is you who needs to become a better person. There are a few common justifications that abusers use to justify their actions; however, none of them are strong enough.               Firstly, it is said that hitting someone is to discipline them. If a child does not complete their homework, they get beaten with a cane, so that the child completes their homework the next time in fear of getting hurt. However, is this method any effective? Does the child never forget his or her homework after that, or does the parent beat the child again with a cane for not completing their homework for the second or third time? They will only get immune to pain, and not change their lifestyle, or worse, th